The details for the Wake / Celebration of Ruth’s Life as follows:
11/7/14, 3-6pm at Maidenbower Community Centre, Harvest Road, Maidenbower, Crawley, RH107QH.
It is open to all friends and family of Ruth. There will be a memory book for your comments and photos (if you do please write your name on the back of the photos and where and when they were taken). This can then be given to Isaac, Imogen & Hope to help remember Ruth.
Tea / Coffee / Soft Drinks and Cake will be provided; there is no bar facility on site so please bring a bottle.
(A cask of Ale will hopefully be provided).
It will be a child friendly afternoon so please feel free to bring them along, Ruth was keen for children to be there - there will be a few things laid on for them too; plus there is a park a couple of hundred yards away as well as large open spaces.
To give us some idea on numbers attending please drop an email to .
I would like to thank Ruths friends for helping with the organisation and running of this event. A subsequent event will be held in Somerset during the summer, further details will be released once they are known.
Please feel free to share this message!
To give us some idea on numbers attending please drop an email to .
I would like to thank Ruths friends for helping with the organisation and running of this event. A subsequent event will be held in Somerset during the summer, further details will be released once they are known.
Please feel free to share this message!
(Ruths Husband)
(Ruths Husband)