About this Blog

This blog started as an online diary and place for me to rant about annoyances in my family.

However since July it has become a place for me to catalogue and express my views and opinions on the treatment I have recieved following the diagnosis of a potentially cancerous tumor in my bowel.

On 3rd August 2011 I was told that it was cancerous. In April 2012 I was given the all clear.

October 15th 2013 I was diagnosed with peritoneal disease and liver metastases. The cancer was back and this time it is inoperable.

It is a little bit out of date as the NHS doesn't tend to have a WiFi connection in hospital and I can only post when I get home and posts take a while to write.

It is NOT about individuals or the nursing profession. It is about some of the inadequacies in the system and the way the NHS is failing some people.

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Friday, 18 January 2013

Disappointment - a message to Lance Armstrong

I don't tend to hero worship people or have idols but the news today that Lance Armstrong has lied and doped has really hit me hard. 

I read his book in 2011 when I was about to start chemotherapy and I couldn't put it down. I remember being in tears at bits of the book and being really inspired by what he had been through and went on to do. I have since re read it several times and it has had the same effect and when I have been really down it has really inspired me.

Today when I woke and heard the news that Lance Armstrong had admitted doping and lying I was hurt. 

Yes, I think that is the right word. I was hurt. 

  • Hurt that a person who has inspired probably millions of people with his books and his Live Strong Charity, has lied repeatedly, in print about the same thing over and over again.
  • Hurt that he constantly denied it again and again, knowing that he had doped.
  • Hurt by some of his comments in his interview that it was all about levelling the playing field.
I am also cross with myself for feeling like this. I have never met this man, surely what he chose to do with his personal and professional life is none of my business. But he had made money from selling his books and the ideal that cancer does not have to mean you are substandard.

Well, Lance Armstrong, some news for you. Cancer does not make you substandard. You do not need to dope and lie to prove to people that cancer does not change you.

Cancer does change you. It makes you stronger. It makes you live life to the absolute maximum. It does not mean you need to prove yourself repeatedly. You have done that by suffering through chemotherapy or radiotherapy or transplants or surgery or any of the other treatments that are available and given to millions of people on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

If it was possible I would send my copy of your book back to you and demand a refund. As it is when I can find it, I will probably donate it to charity as it is a complete work of fiction & not a very good one at that.

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