About this Blog

This blog started as an online diary and place for me to rant about annoyances in my family.

However since July it has become a place for me to catalogue and express my views and opinions on the treatment I have recieved following the diagnosis of a potentially cancerous tumor in my bowel.

On 3rd August 2011 I was told that it was cancerous. In April 2012 I was given the all clear.

October 15th 2013 I was diagnosed with peritoneal disease and liver metastases. The cancer was back and this time it is inoperable.

It is a little bit out of date as the NHS doesn't tend to have a WiFi connection in hospital and I can only post when I get home and posts take a while to write.

It is NOT about individuals or the nursing profession. It is about some of the inadequacies in the system and the way the NHS is failing some people.

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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

2013 or 1913???

I am sitting here listening to my children happily playing with their train set. 

Actually, I am listening to Isaac and Imogen playing with their train set.

It reminds me of an advert I saw recently on the TV for these.

On seeing the advert I was disgusted. Why in 2013 are we still perpetuating the myth that girls need pink and boys need blue? 

Can girls not play with cars, or trains? Are boys not allowed to play families and use dolls houses & tea sets?

Mumsnet have been campaigning against this here, and yet major, international companies are still perpetuating the myth that blue is for boys and pink is for girls. 

So, people of the internet, I urge you not to be sucked in and buy a blue egg for your boy, or a princess yoghurt for your daughter, ignore the gender stereotyping and allow your child to choose.

1 comment:

  1. Preach it! A generation ago, my sister had a train set, which she loved. Unfortunately, she didn't have the manual dexterity to assemble it, so I had to assemble it, safe in the knowledge that a few minutes' effort would give me hours of peace. Now I see the same with her two daughters.

    Fortunately no-one ever said that she shouldn't have a train set because she's a girl. Now we're grown up, no-one's dared say that to me either ;)
