I don't know what caused me to develop bowel cancer and then it's evil secondary cancers other than a genetic mutation.
However I was listening to Jeremy Vine on BBC radio 2 earlier today and was reminded of an email I received off the back of my blog about another type of cancer. A cancer which is not the result of a genetic mutation, but is caused by inhaling one fibre of a substance.
That substance is asbestos and the cancer is mesothelioma.
The mesothelioma campaign emailed me this fact sheet. I thought that I would share it with you as this can affect anyone. I was moved listening to the story of a school teacher who contracted this horrendous disease just because she was displaying her classes artwork on the walls of her classroom.
This started as a blog to rant frustrations in parenting my 2 'adorable' children. It is now my way of dealing with my diagnosis of Bowel Cancer in August 2011 & the subsequent chemotherapy experience. In April 2013, we were blessed with the arrival of Baby Hope and are feeling very lucky. In October 2013, I was diagnosed with peritoneal disease and liver mets, which are inoperable and require aggressive chemotherapy.
About this Blog
This blog started as an online diary and place for me to rant about annoyances in my family.
However since July it has become a place for me to catalogue and express my views and opinions on the treatment I have recieved following the diagnosis of a potentially cancerous tumor in my bowel.
On 3rd August 2011 I was told that it was cancerous. In April 2012 I was given the all clear.
October 15th 2013 I was diagnosed with peritoneal disease and liver metastases. The cancer was back and this time it is inoperable.
It is a little bit out of date as the NHS doesn't tend to have a WiFi connection in hospital and I can only post when I get home and posts take a while to write.
It is NOT about individuals or the nursing profession. It is about some of the inadequacies in the system and the way the NHS is failing some people.
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