So the time came for the secret Santa. I expect to be last at these kind of things, I was normally picked last at school for most things, and my name would never be picked for any of the extra curricular stuff. So it was no surprise when 'Santa's sack' was getting emptier & emptier and I was still presentless.
What I was not expecting was what happened next.
I was given a card. There was a message inside from everyone there and then I was given the biggest present by far.
Inside was the most incredible, beautiful handmade quilt. It had been made by my amazing friends most of whom had not sewn since school days, I would imagine. Coordinated by the amazing Button Becky from her incredible stash of vintage and quirky, kitschy fabrics.
I was speechless, again. Once again my coniving, devious friends have managed to reduce me to tears with their generosity of spirit, their thoughtfulness and the time that this must have taken. We're not talking people with amazing amounts of time on their hands. These are mothers, wives, people running households and errands for between 1 & 4 children. Juggling their lives, their husbands lives and their children's lives and they had made time in these lives to spend time making something for me.
I am humbled by this. Words fail me (clearly not, seeing as I'm blogging about it!!)
So to Carol, Sarah L, Sarah S, Becky, Debbie, Kathy, Karen, Charlotte, Emma, Alison, Rachel and Becky's neighbour who made my beautiful quilt thank you from the bottom of my heart.
As you can see from the photo above the children and I love it, even Tony was blown away by your generosity.
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