About this Blog

This blog started as an online diary and place for me to rant about annoyances in my family.

However since July it has become a place for me to catalogue and express my views and opinions on the treatment I have recieved following the diagnosis of a potentially cancerous tumor in my bowel.

On 3rd August 2011 I was told that it was cancerous. In April 2012 I was given the all clear.

October 15th 2013 I was diagnosed with peritoneal disease and liver metastases. The cancer was back and this time it is inoperable.

It is a little bit out of date as the NHS doesn't tend to have a WiFi connection in hospital and I can only post when I get home and posts take a while to write.

It is NOT about individuals or the nursing profession. It is about some of the inadequacies in the system and the way the NHS is failing some people.

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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

An apology

I realise that I have been very quiet on here since I got the all clear at the beginning of last month.

I could make excuses for this but to be honest I have been reflecting. 

I was able to access some counselling to help me come to terms with the way I reacted to being diagnosed with cancer and the way that others reacted through The Olive Tree and this has led to me doing some serious thinking about where I want to go with the rest of my life. 

I have realised that life is 'finite' and that I will forever be living with the fear that the cancer will return and I don't want to regret things. 

I already have regrets but there is nothing I can do to readdress this so I need to make the most of the future. 

I was going to sign up for the Cancer Research Race for Life, but my 2 local ones are at 7.30pm. I have a husband who works nights and 2 toddlers, how was that ever going to work? Instead I have several friends who are doing it (Here is one of their Just Giving Pages) and I would love it if people could sponsor them.

Instead Tony and I are in talks to do something next year for the 3 charities that have supported my virtually over the last year - Beating Bowel Cancer, Macmillan & The Olive Tree. 

Sounds clandestine, but we have not finalised what we want to do yet, but there will be something..watch this space.

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